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Sunday, 19 April 2020

2.1 Song of the Open Road

2.1 Song of the Open Road


The title of the poem is very significant as Whitman has used the word ‘Song’ with a definite purpose that he enjoys to travel on the open road without any tension and worries of past, present and future and face the life without any complaint against his life. The poet wishes to move ahead on the road of life with his own will and goodness. The Song of the open road also indicates Freedom.

See Activity Sheet and Online Test on Figures of speech on the poem 


See video on Ice- Breakers

Created By: Dr. Sanjay Gaikwad


चला मैं मनचला
खुशनुमा और उमंगभरी दुनिया है
मिट्टी से लिपटी राह पर
 मंजिल हैं वहाँ  जहाँ  मैं चलुं
चला मैं मनचला
चला मैं मनचला
 इक़बाल  खुद करे, नसीब खुद लिखे
ना ख़लिश, ना गिला
ना कागज, ना कातिब ,ना क़िताब
ना दिवारों से आरा घर
 ना होगा विलंब तो करे आरंभ
 चले मिट्टी से लिपटी  राह पर
  बाहों में जोश, मन लिये संतोष 
 बैठे रहे करे निंदा मेरी
 चला  मैं मनचला
चला मैं मनचला
खोजू  सृष्टि में छिपे अजम, अटलं और जल के रहस्योंकी जो मेरे समीप है
और न चलूं में उन ग्रहो, चांद और तारो के भ्रमण में
 अंतरिक्ष की खोज है ना मेरी 
वो सलामत उन्हें जो  खोजना चाहते हैं, उड़ना जानते है
वो चलें मनचले
चला मैं मनचला
लिये अतित का बोझ है लजिज जो
उसमें लदे है  नज़्म , जख्म, कुछ लोग,
कुछ अज़ीज़,  कुछ अपने,कुछ पराये
मानो यकिन मेरा, ये सामान मैं ना छोड़
 ना तोड़ सकूं, चाहुं फिर भी
हर मोड़ पर मैं उसे ना हटा पाऊं, 
 ना मिटा पाऊं  यह न हों पाता मुझसे
 बोझ अतीत का बठ़ चला है हर मोड़ पे,
और मैं हर मोड़ पर उसमें  इज़ाफ़ा  करता चला हूं
चला में मनचला

Poem: The Song of the Open Road'
Poet: Walt Whitman
रुपांतर: समीर खासनीस
श्री टी पी भाटिया महाविद्यालय, कांदिवली वेस्ट


See complete explanation of the poem by 
Dr. Sanjay Gaikwad, Aurangabad

Song of the Open Road #songoftheopenroad, #drgaikwad, #hscenglish,



Mr. Mogal Dnyandeo shivajirao said...

I am really satisfied with your explanation of the poem .Thanks sir

Dinesh Mahajan said...

The explanation of this poem is very lucid and easy going .All the content is explained in the best possible manner . Thank you very much sir ji .

Dinesh Mahajan said...

The explanation of this poem is very lucid and easy going .All the content is explained in the best possible manner . Thank you very much sir ji .

Unknown said...

Its very nice explaination of poem.title,summary,theme and moral said...

Thank u sir for including my contribution in the poem

English for said...

Very good explanation of the poem..

Maya shetye said...

Very good explanation of the poem

Unknown said...

Really good efforts, useful for the teachers those who have doubts for understanding. Nobody can ever be prepared such type of study materials. Thank you sir.

Sachin sir said...

Thank you very much sir for providing us with very precise and important note on the poem. You are such an inspiration for us. 👍

Unknown said...

Sir please upload the ice breakers and brainstorming of this poem.Thankyou !

Mrs.Premjit Sunil Gatigante said...

Thank u sir for including my contribution in the poem

Unknown said...

Nice explanation sir Thank you very much.

Archana magar said...

Very nice explanation

Unknown said...

its a great help sir..thank you very much.

Unknown said...

Sir plz share brainstorming activities of this poem

Rinkel said...

sir its very precise and helpful. such presentable material helps to clear the doubts. sir please share brainstorming activities of this poem. Thank you

Jeba Nadar said...

thank you sir....very much useful

Unknown said...

Very nice explanation & simple language.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

thank u sir

Unknown said...

Sir please send solution for ice breakers

Somnath Satpute said...

It is so useful for the teachers and also students

Unknown said...

Sir please send ice breaker and brain storming answers

Siddhi Bhattad said...

Thank you so much for this ! Got some guideline in this lockdown.

Deepali said...

very nice explanation thank u sir

Notes on ssc and hsc english at Avian Academy said...

Thank sir it's really fabulous translation.

Sakshi sable said...

It was excellent experience and great helpful to us

Rehan Malik Khan said...

Loving it

Unknown said...

Thank you sir ...
Help of the Luck down...

Anonymous said...

Thank you sir

Unknown said...

thanks a lot sir!


Thank You sir!!!

Modernblogger said...

Excellent job sir 😏

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Very nice 🙂 and very clear ideas explain

ganeshcreation@ said...

Thank you sir your blog is very good ,useful

Unknown said...

Thank you sir to help in study and your blog very nice and Easy to understand

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