Solve Online Tests - Part 2
Set By:-
Dr. Sanjay Gaikwad
(Author, Orator, YouTuber and College Teacher)
(Author, Orator, YouTuber and College Teacher)
Jr.College, Pishor,
Tal. Kannad
Dist. Aurangabad
Identify the correct four forms of given verbs-
25) Online Test No. 25
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Test No. 25
ENGLISH GRAMMAR by Dr. Sanjay Gaikwad, 9422716677. Identify the correct 4 Forms of the given Verbs.
26) Online Test No. 26
Identify the correct four forms of given verbs-
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Test No. 26
ENGLISH GRAMMAR by Dr. Sanjay Gaikwad, 9422716677. Identify the correct 4 Forms of the Given Verbs.
27) Online Test No. 27
Identify the correct four forms of given verbs-
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Test.No: 27
ENGLISH GRAMMAR by Dr. Sanjay Gaikwad, 9422716677. Identify the Correct 4 Forms of the Given Verbs.
28) Online Test No. 28
Identify the correct four forms of given verbs-
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Test No. 28
ENGLISH GRAMMAR by Dr. Sanjay Gaikwad, 9422716677. Identify the Correct 4 Forms of the Given Verbs.
29) Online Test No. 29
Identify the correct four forms of given verbs-
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Test No: 29
ENGLISH GRAMMAR by Dr. Sanjay Gaikwad, 9422716677. Identify the Correct 4 Forms of the Given Verbs.
30) Online Test No. 30
Identify the correct four forms of given verbs-
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Test No: 30
ENGLISH GRAMMAR by Dr. Sanjay Gaikwad, 9422716677. Identify the Correct 4 Forms of the Given Verbs.