Std. XII Activity Work Book

Activity Work Book for XII New syllabus (With Marathi Translation) is available for sale. Do buy it as early as possible. Price Rs. 400 + 50 (Packing and Postage charges)= Rs.450. Discount is available on buying 25 and more copies < Contact Writer:- Prof. Tushar Chavan from Rashtriya Junior College, Chalisgaon Dist.Jalgaon. Whats app Number: 9850737199 , Cell 9850737199. Pages in the book- 400

English Grammar Activity Workbook First Edition (for class 8 to 12) is available for sale. Price Rs. 220 + Rs. 50 (Postage / Courier Charges) = Rs. 270. Discount is available for buying 30 or more books. Contact Writer: Prof. Tushar Chavan from Rashtriya Junior College, Chalisgaon Dist.Jalgaon Whats app Number: 9850737199

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Friday 21 August 2020

3.3 Note Making


3.3 Note Making

Note-making: It  is  an active  and  focused  ‘writing  skill’.  Here  concrete connection between all relevant concepts and words is drawn to infuse or connect all thoughts together by a method. (points, tree diagram or a table etc.)

Note Making is a way of recording important details from a source. This source can be any book, article, or a passage. In note making, the writer records the essence of the information. It helps to understand the main information. Note making saves a lot of time. One can get a glimpse of a lot of information from a short note. A note making involves the selection, analysis, summarization, and organization of information.

The Procedure of Note Making

   1)    Read the given passage carefully.

   2)    Underline the important points. It helps to make headings and subheadings.

   3)    Make a rough note first to get an idea.

   4)    Organize the points in logical order or sequence for the final note.

   5)    Use the appropriate note making format    

   6)    Do not change the idea or the message of the passage.

Points to Remember:

   a)    Avoid using long sentences as heading or title or sub points.

   b)    Never lose the main idea of the passage.

   c)     Ignore information which is less important.    

   d)    Be brief, clear, and specific.

   e)    Show logical sequencing.

   f)      Do not include your own views or understandings.

Ice Breakers:

1) Complete the web:-

We take notes of-

a) book

b) speech

c) lecture

d) article

e) reading

f) passages (extracts)

2) We take notes because:-

    1)    Improvement in listening becomes an active process

    2)    It has great importance in exams or in academic writing.

    3)    It reduces study time. 

    4)    It helps to take revision of the topic.

    5)    To review before exams.

    6)    It is an organization of main points for future use.

    7)    It helps in keeping the information handy. 

    8)    It helps in recollecting and recalling the past events.

    9)    It helps in concentrating, understanding and provides a permanent record. 

   10)    Note making helps a writer to go through bulky documents quicker.

   11)   It helps in understanding a material if the notes are in own words.

   12)   Understand what you are learning and clarify your thinking

   13) It distinguishes between main points and its details.




ganeshcreation@ said...

Hello Chavan sir,I always use your blog to teach my students. It is too much useful to all of us. My students now follw you.
Thanking you.
Mr G D Sonawane
Mahadevrao Shirke SEC. & Higher SecondarySchool Bhom Tal Chiplun Dist Ratnagiri-415628

Unknown said...

very good sir keep it up .

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